Moving On

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2022


Photo by Lucas Ludwig on Unsplash

Loving Detachment and how it works

Divine timing lives its own realm. Its grace is released when we let go and let it take over.

Let go of the old first. The way will be shown to move on. There are parables on this process in every culture. One cannot pour more wisdom into a full cup, life abhors a vacuum, when one door closes another opens, Source cannot feed a dog hell-bent on gripping an old bone, and on and on.

Our lakes and rivers would be empty unless clouds release their moisture. A lightning strike is first invited to ground itself with an updraft from the earth. Deciduous trees must lose their mature leaves for new buds to open and life to begin again. Nature understands what we sometimes forget. Energy is not static, but cyclic, and requires change.

Gaia is moving through new frequencies, new cosmic emissions. Her journey affects us all. These changes are most easily navigated when we relax into the heart and remember from whence we came. Once we releases trying to control what is not ours to manipulate, physical letting go comes naturally, in the most harmonious way possible. This may or may not be what our minds want to happen. We need to help our minds with loving detachment.

When we let go and don’t worry or scheme about what will come next, or how the change or replacement will happen…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.