Musing Between our Pages

Parallel worlds

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
3 min readApr 20, 2022


Photo by Niklas Weiss on Unsplash

We create parallel universes at every moment because we have a far greater power of creation than we realize. Our writings are a metaphor of what we may manifest if we control our thoughts and our emotions and open ourselves to Love. We are living a dream of flesh, it is a personal and collective creation that allows us to do interactions in a global consciousness, learning to live Love through separation.

Here are twelve facets of the whole :

  1. The Theater of Light and Shadow by Jean Carfantan
    Like a supporter, you forget who you are,
    So much focused and absorbed in the play.
    Your shattered soul is spreading out
    Amidst the shards of the broken mirror.
  2. Sometimes I Think Spring by Deborah Barchi
    Sometimes I think Spring
    is just a poet’s dream.
  3. I am The Fire by Ann Litts
    Like witches of old, I believe each one of us is attuned to one of the elements. You may go through the whole of your life never understanding why you chose the path you’re on. But if you take a step back — you will see the pattern form.
  4. Inspiration Triggers by Jean Carfantan
    To trigger inspiration, I use various techniques :
    Sometimes I just open a book at random, the lines evoke something that I must then develop. Last time I opened the book Wildwood, A Journey Through Trees by Roger Deakin and I got the world driftwood. From it I created the poem Driftwood.
  5. How Source Moves Through Us by Nalini MacNab
    A beloved and familiar nudge between the shoulder blades.
    A wordless whisper of “do it now,” setting hands in motion.
    Not the mind, never the mind. Never you mind, only make it so.
  6. The Binky on the Branch by Jenine Bsharah Baines
    all facets of the very same cellular
    diamonds within you.
    Planes lifting like Hope,
    soft cleansing currents heatedly seeking
    Insight’s probing kiss.
  7. Five Primordial Creatures of the Divine Feminine by Charlotte Eléa
    The Divine Feminine has been woven into the natural world since the oceans, forests and mountains formed upon our planet and gave birth to life.
    She is the feminine aspect of God, which is present within all of us (not just women), as well as, the earth Herself.
  8. Yours, Mine and Ours by Joseph Lieungh
    Mastery of self — understanding
    yours, mine and ours
    first person transformed
    into third-person singular.
  9. Persephone’s Pledge by Deborah Barchi
    For a time the darkness will shutter your eyes
    and the cold creep into your bones.
    For a time no flowers will reach for the sky
    and the wind and trees curse and moan.
  10. The Goddess Comes Home to Disney by Charlotte Eléa
    Am I the only one who has noticed something distinctly feminine about Disney movies as of late? During the last ten years, Disney and Pixar have AT LAST created several animated movies for children with female heroines who aren’t just princesses lamenting over princes.
  11. Balance by Beth Stormont
    Our feet in two different worlds . . .
    one in the lower vibrational 3D world. . .
    and the other in the higher vibrations of 5D.
  12. Moving On by Nalini MacNab
    Divine timing lives its own realm. Its grace is released when we let go and let it take over.

The tale that was the foundation of this publication :

Once upon a time, the Queen was abducted and kept in a prison underground. Her baby was left behind her. The king entrusted the child to a nanny in the countryside. Her people who loved her were questioning about her disappearance. So the king who had planned to steal her power, presented them an other woman who had the exact Queen’s appearance but pretended to give him her fake sovereignty…

Thank you, readers, writers and publishers who made possible this publication.





Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)