“My” Hypostasis
Auto-proved, independent monad within The Monad
Am I surely in the world or the world is inside me?
My five senses are not enough; the rest of them make me “see”.
Seeing and “seeing” are not identical;
they are the two oars of the same boat, yeah.
I write poems to understand
my self-existent place in the space, but
time must be defeated for this to be fully perceived.
Time doesn’t pass; I pass through it.
My hypostasis is for sure,
and I know that when my mind is not obscured.
So, I am able to stand on my own,
as an autonomous entity in and out of the globe.
This doesn’t raise walls between me and others;
It makes us more connected than anything else.
My Soul, my Self is self-sovereign;
It doesn’t need something else to come and move IT.
It is the action itself; auto-identified, independent.
And that’s what makes it one with every other Self.
“We” constitute the monad in which everything starts and ends,
to start again and again and again.