Stepping out of one’s comfort zone : prompt

My Little Fox

A story of a guardian angel

Y.L. Wolfe
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2020


Art by Jean Carfantan

My fox loved me like I’ve never been loved before. He sat on my feet and pressed himself against my legs and looked up at me with his sad, brown eyes, hopeful that I would stop for a moment and pet him. He trotted by my side when I took walks, proudly and eagerly looking all around.

When I pulled out my camera, he would run away, hiding in another room under a desk or in a dark corner. He didn’t like the sounds it made. When there was a birthday party or holiday and the family gathered, talking, laughing, and opening presents, he would hide again. The chaos made him nervous.

But he loved to be alone and he loved even more to be with me.

When my fox was 13, he fell ill. He became easily confused. He walked into walls and doors. He got sick every time he ate.

I knew his time was coming to an end when I came home one afternoon and found him lying in the sun, unable to move.

I picked him up in my arms and carried him into the bathroom. I sang to him while I bathed him. I wrapped him in a towel and laid him on his bed in the middle of the living room. I laid there with him all night, my hand on his back.



Y.L. Wolfe
Queen’s Children

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