One Religion

Say what?

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children


Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

Recently, a prominent figure in the media proposed we should have one religion in this country. He assumed HIS religion was the majority and would ‘win’. Thus making us all slaves to HIS belief system.

He totally ignored every single principle America had been founded on. Because anyone who has even a marginal understanding of history knows religion is one of chaos’ most useful tools.

And of course, there’s that tricky bit of legislation called The Constitution.

If you check Google — the fastest growing religion in the world is Islam. Not the radical suicidal bombing variety. The real Islam. Just as Christians don’t want to be associated with the fanatical extremes of their belief system, most practitioners of Islam have a similar desire. And to be fair, most Christians do not know how to make bombs. Or own assault rifles. But that doesn’t stop a few determined, fanatical, mentally ill in both faiths from blowing the rest of us up.

But I digress.

The point here is this — wanting One Religion — anywhere — is all fine and good until the population you’re living with decides to go with Not-Your-Religion. And then you find yourself an outlaw. And the irony is — it was your bloody idea to begin with.

