Parallel Lives

We hold the Whole inside, let us step “outside” the door

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


Courtesy by the author

During my last hypnosis session, I visited three parallel lives.

The first one was in the ninth density, I was fine, I was playing at creating worlds, I had a child’s soul and I was creating worlds without any effort. Nothing mattered, I just flowed in a continuous stream, without questioning. On this plane, no duality.

In the second one, I was a commander of an Arcturian ship. I felt that he was solid and that I could count on him. He really knew what it meant to be in service.

In the third one, I was a reptile on two legs with a tail. I was on a mission to the planet Mars. I walked the planet with aplomb, carried by a strong and determined energy. I was exploring this planet after a catastrophe. My ground crew was on Earth, on the Middle East side. There were Earthlings there, but we lived apart in a kind of palace.

What is the “I”? It is an accretion created by the circumstances of the meeting of consciousness and matter. Consciousness creates a nucleus in order to be able to navigate in the world of 3rd density and with the human society. Consciousness is not the Self, consciousness contains the Self and the Whole.
Is it me who is, was or will be these three characters? The “I” no longer has any meaning here because…



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)