Part One

An In-Depth Interview with Author and Channeler Sharon K. Richards

Learn about the beginnings of Sharon’s path to become a first class channeler of the Ascended Master Teachers

Julene Cole
Queen’s Children
Published in
8 min readAug 10, 2020


Beautiful butterfly on a purple flower
Photo courtesy of Sharon K. Richards


I have recently had the opportunity to conduct an interview with one of the most fascinating people I have ever known — Sharon K. Richards.

Sharon has been channeling the Master Teachers publicly for ten years. She has channeled three books of the Ageless Wisdom Evolving series, where the Master Teachers introduce new teachings as well as update prior teaching for the 21st century lightworker. There is currently a fourth book in the works that focuses on new and extended Ageless Wisdom teachings, and a fifth book in the wings.

She has compiled thought-provoking articles from four female Ascended Master Teachers in Lightworker Within, and has recounted her personal journey into channeling with, Voices for the Ascended Masters — Masters don’t view channeling the way we do.

Sharon has also been fortunate enough to participate in two different research studies of trance-channeling at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.



Julene Cole
Queen’s Children

Mother of 3 sons & 2 grandsons. Lover of sunsets at the beach, tattoos, traveling, reading, & trying new things! Spiritual at heart, with angels by my side.