Peach Tree Portents

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2021


Photo by Enlight on Unsplash

From One Year to the Next, Everything Changes

A lone peach tree stands in ta place of honor in our garden. Young and seemingly delicate, it stands in a place of honor amidst more mature aspens, cottonwoods, mimosas, and evergreens.

Last year, a late frost nipped any prospective peaches in the bud. Its budding fruit froze, fell, and was swept into oblivion by the very efficient lawn crew.

This year, late snows gave their gift of shelter to the budding tree. Not cold enough to freeze, just cold enough to snow, cozy cocoons of whiteness enfolded its tightly closed beginnings. The result was entirely unexpected! There must be 500 nubs of budding fruit! More than I can count, anyway. What might that portend, other than the obvious yield of small luscious peaches, of course?

Last year’s indrawn yield was sturdier branches, deeper roots, and the opportunity to seek sustenance from inner waters. Our little tree took note and advantage thereof.

This year’s abundant precipitation, late snows, and more rain than is typical for this area, has delayed the spring blossoming. Trees remained skeletal for weeks longer than usual. Bulbs whose blossoms are typically spent by early May are just flowering or still in bud.



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.