Playing Roles

on the stage of Life

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Image from Popular Mechanics article, “Why Don’t We Have Holodecks?” on

We are all souls playing roles
on the mighty stage of Life.

To add to it further . . .

We are holographic characters
playing out the program created
by our very own soul

. . . on the giant holodeck of Earth!

Some of us chose to play our roles
together in the same drama . . .

while others of us chose to play it solo
in the script of an unknown scenario.

Pretty challenging, wouldn’t you say?

Once we remember this amazing fact
of a reality created by our very own being
— (as co-creators with the Creator of All) —

we have the power-filled ability to change
our self-created program any time at will
when we feel its purpose has been fulfilled

. . . and we have learned what we
needed to learn. . . and fulfilled basically
what we came to this planet to do.

Let us rejoice
at the freeing knowledge
of this new awareness
of the reality of . . .

our present Life
. . . here and now!

Thank you for joining me on this Star Trek-type journey
to explore where no one has ever gone before!



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.