Prompt: energy


Do you react downstream or preact upstream ?

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020


Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Our path is the path from react to act. Don’t worry about the outcome, act on the energy to align it to the Source. Don’t get attached to the result, work upstream at the level of your creative power and not downstream at the reproving level. Work at the source by creating new timelines.

We react angrily because we feel powerless, cheated or hurt. You master energy, and never feel powerless.

Did you prevent outcomes or stimulate new outcomes with your energy work before what you could have gone through ?

Don’t forget the kicker with Discernment: energy. To do so, just create a first line before your title and begin to write, at last choose the little T in the menu when you select a word in it.

Remember, we don’t mind the time, even if you submit it later than one week, it will be valid.

Don’t forget the tags Energy, Sacred Feminine, Prompt, and Poetry or Essay or Stories plus your own tag. Here prompts are not different from other texts, they are just weekly stings to write again and play together.

Have pleasure to tell, we will have pleasure to read you



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.