
. . . now . . . and then

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

What if you have lived a certain reality all your life
— and many other lives before —

and for some unknown reason suddenly begun to feel
that you are now living in a totally different reality
. . . a reality you feel you have somehow always known.

And yet as you attempt to live that reality now
in a world that has never really known that reality

you find that you are not really living in either reality
— for the old reality no longer feels right or true. . .
and the ‘new’ different reality is yet as an unknown.

As a matter of fact, everything feels upside-down and
inside-out, topsy-turvy. . . with no rhyme or reason
to anything that used to make meaningful sense.

Welcome to the transition of the worlds of reality
. . . from the ages-old ‘known’ illusory reality world
to the original ‘unknown’ yet real reality of Mother Gaia.

When we all KNOW and can meaningfully live the new reality
on this very same planet - and with Gaia’s same humanity -
we shall be living the true reality of Mother Gaia’s New Earth!

Thank you for reading and aiding in the transition into the world of reality
of our newly co-created New Earth that is now in process of being birthed.



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.