Discernment: prompt


Listening to The True

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2020


Photo by David Gavi on Unsplash

We all have this. Most of the time, it’s ignored or reasoned away. That nagging feeling in your gut, the headache that came out of nowhere, the anxiety attack you couldn’t talk yourself down from.

Your intuition. Your inner knowing. Your compass to your Real Life.

For many of us, it will take decades before we tune in and LISTEN to our very own built in bullshit detector. We expect certain things/Humans/situations to bend to our will. But they don’t. And we lose ourselves in all the ensuing chaos that follows.

Many times — it’s only in hindsight — as we look at Our Life from the vantage point of the rearview mirror do we notice the guideposts along the way. The age-old notion of, “If I only knew then what I know now” was invented for just this circumstance.

But we DID know then.

We just didn’t listen. For whatever reason. Fear, rejection, anger, longing — the list of emotions that can affect our discernment process is legend. And a lot of the time, we just figure other Humans know more about Life — about OUR LIFE — than we do.

So we let them sway us.

As we age — we can learn and unlearn reactions. We can pause and change the way we move…

