Responding to Hurt

from unkind words . . .

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

As a result of a world of two opposing realities, it is now becoming
more natural to receive hurtful words from someone near and dear.

How do we respond to this?

When responding from the position of the human personality,
we experience primarily emotional hurt and brain-mind obsessing.

When we respond from the Higher realms of the Soul,
we experience a previously unknown depth of understanding.

When the two aspects of our human persona are joined together,
our response becomes one of peaceful relief and true understanding!

The ultimate challenge and growth is the ability
to move from the emotions-fraught lower vibrations
into the clarity of the Higher energies of Light and Love.

Thank you for reading! I truly hope you have never experienced such as this —but if you have, I hope you found a resolution similar to what was given to me . . . and for which I have been most grateful!



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.