Seeing What We Believe

. . . an Essay about a fable and reality

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


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In the fable about The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian
we have an interesting correlation between that story
(which most people know) and about ‘real’ life today.

I am speaking loosely about this story, as having read it many years
ago I am not now clear about the details. The moral of the story is
what is important.

Whenever there was a special celebration in the kingdom, the Emperor
would have fine new clothes to wear for the occasion. This year he was
promised that these new clothes would be the finest he had ever worn.

The announcement went out to the people of his kingdom that he would
be wearing the finest clothes they had ever seen — and they were indeed
ready to see what they now believed would be his finest clothes ever!

As he paraded down the street, proudly strutting what he believed
were his finest clothes ever — and the people ‘oohing and ahing’ upon
seemingly seeing this fine sight — a young boy cried out, “Why is the
Emperor not wearing any clothes?”



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.