She Stands for the Wrong Man

A diary captured in a time of false love

Anna Woods
Queen’s Children


The defense she takes is so impactful.
Her stance wide,
shoulders broad,
arms crossed.
Eyes locked ahead,
squinted slightly,
There is no disarming her resistance.
It is her pack.
You are with her or against her.
But he is her clan.
In this state of mind,
To her colleagues,
She is blinded by love.
Unable to see the truth.
Reluctant to remove his mask.
Terrified and unsure
Of what lies beneath.
That whatever it is,
By her morals,
She will be forced to leave.
And left alone.
One by one,
warning signs come,
Each one, she clicks,
then slams the snooze
Extending her time with the masked man.
Her friends worry as she increases
The space, distance, and separation.
Support, is what she asks for.
Those that cannot provide it,
She is in war against.



Anna Woods
Queen’s Children

Just a sober girlie in her 20's navigating, evolving, and trying to be 1% better every day. Author of The Healing Choice to Forgive