Quarantine: prompt

Sit. Stay.

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
2 min readDec 9, 2020


The Universe Speaks

March 13, 2020 — the last day I would sit at my desk on-site at my facility. I was on vacation the following week — but I brought my work laptop and phone home with me. Just in case.

Just in case what everyone was saying came true. Just in case we were all sent home to work. Just in case COVID was as bad here as it was everyplace else.

Just in case.

I am no stranger to messages from The Universe to sit in stillness. Every asthma exacerbation I have reminds me to simply be. To focus on breathing. To press the pause button. To let it all go and live in the moment.

However, I was stunned when She gave this message to everyone. Everywhere. Not one bit of Gaia was immune from Her Directive.

Stop. Be. Breathe.

And we did for a good long while. But that sort of lockdown isn’t practical for most Humans. Beyond the fact that we’re pack animals, our society had developed to the point that we have to have incomes to survive. The pandemic certainly focused our societies across the globe on the holes in all safety nets we thought we had in place.

Back in March, in the beginning, when the air over major cities across the world became breathable and our waters started to heal— I thought there might be hope for us to rebuild our world. Now, I’m not sure. Will we ever listen to The Message we are receiving? Can we change enough to save Gaia? To save our species?

Only time will tell.

Until we either turn ourselves around or fall completely into the abyss — I will hold hope in my heart that when this is over — there will be something left to pass on to my children and grandchildren.


