Somonka Between Animus, Soul and Universe

Not your typical love poem

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Queen’s Children


20061457 by vaeenma licensed from

Hello my friends in Queen’s Children — it has been too long since I submitted here. I have embarked on a simultaneous journey through our beloved Diana C.’s 50 prompts for deep self-reflection

and MDSHall’s (dodoitsu and American cinquain) and Somsubhra Banerjee’s various uncommon poetic forms

While pollinating these flowers across several publications, I’ve been meaning to land here, where I feel today’s prompt and response should blossom.

How can you begin to clearly hear which direction your soul is calling you in and find the courage to trust it?

Today I have chosen to adapt the somonka

The somonka is basically two tankas(5–7–5–7–7 syllable format) written as two love letters…



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Queen’s Children

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.