Aligned: prompt

Soul Whispers

Synchronicity & Real Estate

Queen’s Children
Published in
8 min readSep 13, 2020


© Dennett — Our backyard to the lake

It was January 2017. My daughter and grandchildren moved into an apartment after spending six years living with my husband and me in the home we’d been renting since 2004.

Ben advocated for a move. Our landlord was an SOB, the house needed work he wouldn’t do, and we no longer had need of the extra space. But, our rent was low for the size of our house and yard and we were in a great location. Even a smaller home in a less desirable neighborhood would be more expensive.

Ben suggested an apartment. But, in a college town, apartments are pricier than most homes. A decent 800-sq-ft apartment with 2 bedrooms and one bath would cost much more than our 3/2 with 1,800 sq ft and a large yard.

What about buying? he asked. One of my clients is the busiest real estate law firm in our county and all the prices I’d seen for the past two years were out of our range. Nope, we were staying put.

A few days later, I was opening real estate closing files for that same client. Unable to read an address on a contract, I googled my best guess. Zillow confirmed my guess was correct, and in the lower right corner of the screen, I saw a small ad for a townhome in the same area of town, a neighborhood I like. Without thinking ( soul whisper), I…



Queen’s Children

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.