Prompt: How do you enforce your sovereignty

Sovereign Space

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
3 min readFeb 24, 2022


Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash

This morning I rose early, as usual, and, instead of quietly re-acquainting mind and body with the planet, I went to the kitchen for tea. Heavenly beverage. Quiet time. Time to just be. These things support my sovereignty.

Then I remembered that the garbage bins had not yet been taken to the curb, yesterday’s dishes had not been put away, nor had the cat’s box been cleaned. I felt my housemate stir, and as I moved through the tasks at hand, my emotional body became flustered and a bit irritated. Why? It wasn’t as though this was slavery. I live here. I share in what needs doing. What was the problem?

It was odd, especially that the feeling had not begun until I moved about in the kitchen… which lives directly under my housemate’s bedroom.

What I was feeling was twofold.
1) my housemate’s guilt transposing itself into patterns my mind has shelved, sorted, and trots out as it sees fit, tailored to what makes sense to its databanks.
2) the emotional reaction of a friend to being texted ‘happy birthday’ the night before. I have not heard from this friend in quite some time. I have been ghosted. This morning, my physical and emotional bodies felt a kind of undefinable angst {most likely unconscious on his part} around taking care of things, being taken care of, and other…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.