Prompt : How do you enforce your sovereignty?


How we can heal from patriarchy

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2022


Image composed with photos by veeterzy and Jenny Marvin on Unsplash

Sovereignty is the sense of who you are and your boundaries. You are sovereign only of which you are aware. It is a challenge when you are an empath. How to distinguish between your thoughts and the thoughts that go through you, how to discern between your emotions and the emotions from outside that you feel ? Could you identify the voice of a conscious unseen being who communicates to you ? Are you aware of every thought, every emotion, every information that comes through you ?

How do you filter every frequency that comes to you ? How do you transform them ?

In the Celtic tradition, the queen held the sovereignty and received the land because women are very much connected to the Earth. The king is just a temporary custodian of it.

With the advent of patriarchy, the misguided men took sovereignty by force, reducing the woman’s sphere of power. Now we suffer from this upside-down world. Our hacked civilization leads us to the destruction of our planet if we do not return to the normal order where the woman holds the land, the wealth and the sovereignty, this is the condition to survive.



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.