Spacetime Travel

A second chance; to appreciate the first…

Anthi Psomiadou
Queen’s Children


Image by Photovision from Pixabay

That elf gave him a second chance,
and he was about to accept the gifts.
He was going to become a kid again,
keeping the knowledge of his 50’s.

All those years he had seen
that everything would be different
if the tools of adulthood
were available in the early years.

Reading, searching, analyzing,
writing, digging inside,
to bring all the unconscious
under the consciousness’s light.

A day was born once more,
as the Sun faced this side of the Earth.
The diary was ready to go “back”
to one year after his birth.

The elf came and asked again
Are you sure about this, my friend?
He answered by nodding,
although his intuition rang a bell.

The elf provoked a whirlwind
that lifted him into the upper atmosphere.
He passed through layers of different colors
into the past’s parallel sphere.



Anthi Psomiadou
Queen’s Children

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)