Step by Step

One small step at a time. . . a Poem

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


As we move into the Higher Realms
of this gloriously beautiful Earth planet

we travel step by step into the yet unknown
version of our beloved Ascended Mother Gaia.

Slowly and cautiously taking one step at a time

we gradually become acclimated to an awareness
of something wonderfully new that is taking place
right before our very eyes. . .

something unfathomable to our conscious mind
. . . and though indefinable, yet very real!

This is the journey of ASCENSION

. . . the journey on which we are invited
and privileged to join as fellow travelers
with our own beloved Mother Gaia . . .
and with one another as the family of


I appreciate your reading and responding if, indeed, you are a fellow member of our family of THE GATHERING. . . You will know. . . Otherwise, just enjoy!



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.