Prompt: Evolution/Involution

Superinvolution from Inner to Outer and Back Again

Likewise outer to inner knowing — it was there from the beginning

Joseph Lieungh
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Yves Alarie on Unsplash

Sitting on a dead, rotten corpse of an old Sequoia, quieting the mind and all days before, pending ancient wisdom as if by courier’s arrival. Be still and know that I Am peace, love, and everything painted from unicorns to grizzly beasts of an unfriendly sort.

Buzz, little bee, stingers sheathing approach as if tired from South America’s journey — landing to rest but for a minute on opened flesh. Blistered in the sun, watering holes waiting for drunkard bizarre, piercing droplets and oceans of memories breath, taking what is needed.

Sharing flesh and blood with another, meditating on the entire cosmic approach of self and collective whole, awaiting guided steps from ancestral and masters alike, planetary message received.

“Thank you for sharing yourself at a time of this tiresome journey. Your generosity will be rewarded — following my brothers and sisters of flight and those who crawl through the night.”

