Prompt: Slowness

Tanka at the Speed of Time

Time passes at a slowness relative to our dimensional vibration

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Queen’s Children
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2021


by tassel licensed from

Last week yesterday
Minutes seconds days hours years
Time obeys gods’ laws
Flows from perception of realm
Am I here, Heaven or both

Time is relative. From the perception in the Earth realm as opposed to the Soul realm (Keri Mangis), I frankly do not know which one is faster or slower, just that they differ. When my portals have me more in contact with Heaven than Earth, Earth time seems to stand still — almost as if I have stepped outside of time, which is probably the case as time as my human mind can comprehend I believe does not exist in Heaven.

Even time within the Earth realm is relative to the speed at which my body is traveling.

I have stated some additional views of time here:

Esther George’s stunningly beautiful ode to eternal love between souls transcends time and realms:

In Rama I create,




Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Queen’s Children

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.