Thanks, but I don’t need a second cage

I already have one sometimes; when my personality doesn’t “see”

Anthi Psomiadou
Queen’s Children


I didn’t come with an instructions manual.
I had to learn my functions on the way.
Experiencing my self to understand
a little more of my “how-to” every day.

But, now that I’m saying it I realize
that all the answers until now
may have a stimulus externally
but in the end, internally they were found.

So, I did come with an instructions manual.
It’s enclosed in me, and I decode it.
It is engraved on my DNA’s spiral
like a dialect from memory’s antiquity.

Freedom is only in “I am
followed by a full stop.
When Anthi puts a label instead of that,
she covers my free core.

A few labours of the 12 are completed,
and that core is visible.
So, nothing can make me walk backward;
my river flows on the Herculean principle.



Anthi Psomiadou
Queen’s Children

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)