Prompt: Jailed in the Matrix

The Cage Door is Open

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
4 min readFeb 10, 2022


Photo by Clovis Wood Photography on Unsplash

Is it safe to exit, and how is it done?

There are classic tales of a caged beast, perhaps born into captivity, who, when faced with an opening between the bars of its existence, fails to recognize the significance. The caged beast remains inside. A default choice to remain imprisoned. The jungle cat waits inside its bars to be fed. The elephant remains tethered to a stake it could pull up at any time. Such is the Matrix, and we, those who live within it.

I admit to having experienced this trapped feeling for many years; many years of processing through limiting states of mind. As the belief systems, thought patterns, and habits of behavior released, including their genetic imprints, the bars of the cage became not only visible, but pliable. Do we live in a matrix of limitation? Yes, as long as we buy into its existence and the rules of that system.

Any hacker will tell you that the rules of any system can be bent, if not broken. The system, when obsolete, will eventually implode upon itself, but who has that kind of time, in any incarnation? We seem to need to witness the playing out of the system, but can do so from outside its confines.

I spent decades processing, working through, and dissolving caging and limiting states of…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.