Key moments: prompt

The Fine Art Of Quitting

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
3 min readNov 14, 2020


You don’t have to suffer

Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

I have always been a responsible Human — even as a child. With a shit-ton of anxiety and a touch of OCD — just for fun.

Only it wasn’t. Fun.

I always, always, always completed what I started.

If I was reading a book and decided I didn’t like it — I couldn’t put it down without finishing it.

If I decided to do laundry — All. The. Laundry got done. That day. And folded and put away before my head hit the pillow that night.

If I decided to clean my house — All. The. House got cleaned. Not just the bathrooms or the floors.

If I was doing a puzzle — crossword, jigsaw, Suduko — there was no walking away until it was solved.

If I was eating — the plate got cleaned. Having been programmed by a Catholic Mother to understand My Clean Plate somehow helped starving children in India.

If I was picking up the kids’ toys — I matched all the pieces to each ‘set’. All the blocks got put in their wagon, the play food got put in the shopping cart, etc.

The bed was always made. Immediately upon exiting it in the AM. Always.

