The Gatekeeper

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2020


Photo by Rod Ramsell on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, glowed a network of Guardian Dragons, Gatekeepers of the Divine Dimension of Love. The head dragon was fierce in her mother-protector role and so, the other gatekeepers named her Mother. The frequencies of their galaxy had to be held in just such a way. Nothing and no one would mar its pristine, harmonious loveliness. The Mother Dragon was love, and had no need to understand it, or so she lived and believed. What was curious, was that a misinterpretation of love caused all the trouble. This is her story.

A dark dimension lived nearby, its tentacles occasionally slithering towards the Divine galaxy, in covert attempts to seduce and dominate that reality. The Mother Dragon and her network of gatekeepers were far too wise to allow such incursions. One blast of the fire-breath and only ashes ever remained of such invaders. The ways between the worlds remained clear and unobstructed for many eons of what earthlings now call time.

Then, one day, a strange vehicle appeared, in the form of one of the healing pyramids popular in many galaxies. The gatekeepers looked on, curious as to what this might be. One of the youngest guardians almost signaled a welcome. But, wait, it was all dark with roiling smoky energy. It felt, looked, and moved in suspect ways and, truth be told, smelled very very bad indeed. Hesitating, the young one telepathically contacted…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.