Doors: Prompt

The Great Symphony

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
2 min readDec 27, 2020


Finding harmony

The problem with envisioning a new world is that there are so many moving parts.

Every living organism on Gaia is involved in the process. Even on a microscopic level — as we watch the COVID virus completely reshape our realities.

Right now the world appears to be an orchestra — a very out of sync and out of tune orchestra. Each instrument playing its own rendition of a song. No cooperation, no rhythm, no harmony. Just ear-grating noise.

When I ponder a new world order — I see us slowly realizing a few truths.

First of all — our instruments badly need tuning. We are turning our backs on the one thing we can all do to help the orchestra — raise the quality and sound of our vibration.

Then there is the cooperation piece. We must begin to pay attention to the conductor. She is patient and quietly waits us out — until we are ready to focus on Her and follow Her instructions.

We all need to be playing the same song as well. And not only that — we need to be on the same page of the same song or else all attempts at harmony will be lost.

If we can all manage to do this — we have a place to begin. We have put agreements in place to make the most beautiful symphony we can. But even when we finally get to this place — we will still need to practice. Every. Day.

It is only with practice can we hope to transition from a disorganized bunch of bad musicians to virtuosos. Then and only then, will The Conductor be able to lead us through the music of our lives and create the harmony we all so desperately seek.


