The Journey of Becoming

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2020



who we will be, who we were and who we ARE.

Many years ago, in a lifetime she had almost forgotten, Emily’s newly hatched self looked up, feeling more than seeing, as she began her scramble to the sea.

Within her rested imprinted memories of The Journey. Her instinctual self knew to head toward that light and into the waters it illuminated. As she grew, having managed the journey from sand to sea, she became adept at the world she inhabited, moving freely within its flow.

One day, as she ‘flew’ through the waters, her flippers moving like wings, she felt another stirring. It had directional orientation, much like what her newborn self felt upon its hatching.

“What do I need to do?” Once, a very long time ago now, her Teacher answered the question this way. “Become like a turtle. Withdraw into the shell you’ve grown. Let it interact with the world at large. Retreat into the inner work of transformation.”

That sounded more like caterpillar than turtle to Emily, but, as she had always loved turtles, she took her Teacher at his word and waited for a sign. Emily loved signs, the lovely unexpected synchronicities whose treasures yielded secrets, next steps, and undelved truths. She knew signs lived their hidden lives in every moment, showing themselves constantly to those who…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.