Free Will: prompt

The Magic Word

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
3 min readSep 23, 2020


It isn’t “Please’”— it’s “NO”

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I loved this prompt.

I loved it because I get to expound on a favorite topic of mine: Boundaries.

We all like to think of ourselves as ‘free’. I live in America, after all, it’s the very Land Of The Free. Or so the song goes.

But we are not free Humans naturally. One must choose freedom every single moment. When you look around your circle and inside of your soul — you know this. We are chained to a variety of expectations/things/cultural norms. They choose us and for the most part, they are benign enough save one thing.

They stop us from exercising our free will.

When we unconsciously — or consciously — agree to a request or condition in our lives we do not want to participate in, we cease to have space to pursue our free will. We can’t choose what will make our souls sing. We are trapped in cages of acquiescence.

“NO” is The Magic Word which sets us free. “NO” helps us clear out the debris in our lives. Debris that distracts us from what we would choose — if WE were the ones choosing. Not our spouses, not our parents, not our kids, not our co-workers, not our bosses, not our friends.

