The Night At The Hospital

Loneliness is a sign that you may be missing your soul

Taha Abbas
Queen’s Children
2 min readAug 6, 2020


Photo by Daan Stevens on Unsplash

11 years ago, I received a sign from the unknown, “you are never alone”. It was an invitation towards the journey of Oneness. Back then, I didn’t truly understand what that meant, until last year, when I experienced something extraordinary.

It was late January, I was staying at a hospital, taking care of my grandfather. There was no extra bed in the room, so I went to the lobby, on the other end, and took a nap on the sofa. It was dead quiet, as the few staff members who worked over-night, were asleep.

Suddenly, I felt like somebody blew in my ear, like a silent whisper. It woke me up, and I could hear someone calling. I sensed it must be one of the patients in the same room my grandfather was in. As I entered the room, an old man, perhaps in his early 60s, suffering from a stroke, was desperately trying to seek attention, as he was choking on something.

I rushed and woke up one of the nurses. They realised he needed suction and took immediate action. As that man was half paralysed, he struggled to speak, calling his son. I went outside and woke up his son, who was asleep outside. He accompanied his father and the situation got better within a few minutes.

That night I felt that we are never alone, and spirits are always guiding us.

