Permanence: prompt

The Only Constant In Life

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
2 min readOct 10, 2020



Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A desire for permanence — like all our desires — leads to a lot of Human Suffering. Somewhere along our journey, it should begin to dawn on us that the landscape changes. Otherwise, it would be called standing still — not a journey.

Every single thing changes as we live.

Our beliefs, our opinions, our physical presence, our relationships, our careers, our homes, our families, our friends — All. The. Things.

Our need to clutch at that which brings us joy and turn away from that which delivers pain makes for a wasted Life.

As I look out my window, I see all the ways Mother Nature applies this lesson. Trees are turning, dropping their leaves. Shorter days mean longer nights. My bird feeder is inundated with songbirds, while my hummingbird feeder remains mostly untouched. Geese flying south honk their goodbye as they pass overhead. Cooler weather helps autumn crops flourish.

Water falls as rain, flows to gutters and streams, then is carried away by rivers to end up in the ocean. Only to evaporate and form clouds — to begin the process all over again.

Shorelines, dunes, and glaciers slowly and surely change shapes. Morph with time.

Why would we consider that we are also not on the same plane as the rest of the natural world?

Every day our lives shift and morph. Sometimes by our own hand, other times by circumstances beyond our control. And the only option we will be given is to Transform.


