The Queen Is Awake

Alexandra Blue
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2020


Photo by Lucija Ros on Unsplash

I had a dream that I was the Divine Mother.

I was pregnant. My breasts were heavy with the light that I would need to nourish that whom I was expecting, the planet earth.

I gave birth.

I loved the earth as any mother loves their own magical, precious child. I fed it with pink love light and blessed it with white source light.

The earth was in balance and that was all I ever wanted. My love surrounded, protected and enriched it.

Things changed. The masculine energy dominated my earth. The feminine energy no longer had a voice. The feminine wasn’t seen as equal to the masculine, rather as something less, something weak.

The masculine need to conquer, to destroy, to gain power and money at all cost was destroying my earth.

I felt a terrible anger that my earth was being polluted and abused. That my female children were being treated as little better than meat. Only useful for what they could provide the male children until they were no use at all and discarded for younger “meat”.

That all my earth child’s beautiful flora and fauna were being decimated in the name of “progress” and “profit”.

Balance needed to be restored. The process has begun and it is escalating. It will not stop until balance is achieved.

Great change can be painful, just like birth.

