The Rose Garden

Do you have any souvenir about when you were a baby ?

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


Photo by Carlos Quintero on Unsplash

Say Bleiz? Will you remember me? Rozen and Bleiz are walking in the rose garden. They are excited and sad because tomorrow they are going to make the big jump to the land of forgetfulness beyond the oceans. They will be born, forgetting all. It is their last evening together in their favorite place and they would like tonight to last forever. A light breeze carries the different scents of roses and envelops them.

Rozen ? It is time to go to high school! hurry up! Yesterday it was the first day. She met some of her old middle school classmates. She noticed an unknown boy who stays away. He must be from another town. She smiles while he appears in her thought.

Several months were spent. Today, it is her birthday. When she enters the classroom , she sees a rose on her desk. Her heart is pounding. The unknown boy is yet here, his name is Bleiz. She smiles to him, he smiles back to her. In his smile she understands that it is him who offered the rose. How did he knew my birthday was today?

Story written for Ambassadors of Hope, the Wallobooks’ project,

The French version



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.