The Shadow on the Hearth

. . . A Story Poem

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


What is that shadowy figure on the hearth?
It seems to always be there… never moving
nor attempting to leave.

I know I should turn around and look at it
to see what it really is… but I’m too scared
to look for fear of what I may see.

Well… I’m going to look anyway!

What?!… I don’t believe it!…
It’s only a shadow of my own self!
How could I possibly have been scared of that?!

So what should I do to get rid of it?
I don’t want it haunting me with its
constant presence on my hearth.

I want my hearth to be clean and
inviting for daily use… not cluttered
with the presence of a shadowy figure.

Hmm… it seems I once read something
about ‘Facing the Shadow on the Hearth’
in some spiritual literature I found.

Ah! Here it is!… It speaks of a remedy for
clearing the darker shadow side of oneself
which evidently is what that shadowy figure is.



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.