The Struggle Ends When We Unlearn Destructive Life Lessons

Freedom is the path we choose everyday

Esther George
Queen’s Children
Published in
6 min readApr 7, 2021


Woman in black camisole face down expressing sadness
I hold myself back from being authentic because I never feel safe enough to open my heart. | Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Growing up, I was skilled at maintaining a perfect-looking life. As a wise young person, I had never washed my dirty linen in public. My elders had taught me well, and my only response was to be obedient. Anything that happens within the four walls of a home is private and sacrosanct.

From a tender age, I was an expert at keeping my emotions and no one ever saw through me. I knew how to hide perfectly behind a smile. Never mind what’s going on inside because my outward appearance is more important than my inward significance. I was so skillful that after a while, I become unconscious that I lived in two separate worlds. On the outside, I was lively, playful, and forward-looking, hiding my own lies, shame, and guilt inside. I was the perfect girl who was always strong, positive, and in control of just about everything.

Wherever I go, I want people to be proud of me. Slowly but surely, I adopted the socially acceptable behaviors that harden into the many masks I wore to fit the roles I play. I was afraid if others would discover my true colors, they will never accept me. I constantly battle with brokenness, confusion, and low self-esteem. Most of all, I’m tired. Tired of living…



Esther George
Queen’s Children

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.