They Didn’t Warn You, My Dear Reader?

Is it too late?

Diana C.
Queen’s Children


Image by Angel Hernandez from Pixabay

I can’t believe they didn’t tell you!

No, really.

I find it extremely hard to believe they forgot to mention such a crucial aspect.

How foolish of them!

I am startled that they allowed you to get away without a warning.

How could they have possibly forgotten to let you know that hiding your true self robs you of the real healing journey and empowering lessons in life? Of experiencing the full, brilliant expression of YOU?

How could they have avoided telling you that remaining addicted to the same repeating narrative, trauma and pain blocks you from reaching a deeper present awareness?


How could they have omitted the fact that it’s not necessary to ignore or dishonor the past in order to be able to embrace being in the now and moving on?

Most importantly, how could they have not reminded you that by following your spark of inspiration, you could ignite a full blown fire?

I am puzzled. I am shocked.

But don’t worry, dear reader.

I am here to remind you that it’s safe to trust your instincts and reach courageously down into the deep.

To drop any internal discouragement or uncertainty.

To be fearless and excited.

To stop withholding your unique vision from the world and hone in on what feels most alive to you.

You’ll be fine, dear reader.

Have some trust in the Universe, will you?

You were built for this magic.



Diana C.
Queen’s Children

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts /