Time to Come Out from Hiding

behind the masks and many drama roles

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children



It’s time to cease hiding behind the masks of Mardi Gras
. . . or playing the varied roles in drama productions
. . . or planting the seeds for later sowing of readiness.

It’s time to speak forthrightly and clearly my truth. . .
time to share the knowledge I brought into this life. . .
knowledge of the reality of what is happening today!

Although only a few may be ready to read and know
the realities that I have always yearned to share
beyond the disguise of truths hidden in poetic form,

I am now ready to speak boldly on a new platform in
this wonderful Era of Light that speaks to seekers
after the truth with open hearts and open minds. . .

truth that may be hard to believe, understand, or accept
. . . but with a willingness to allow the various voices of
this truth to be heard without judgement or rejection.

It is time to finally speak my reality . . .

not the reality of the masses.

Thank you for reading this message without judgement
. . . even if not fully understood!



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.