
. . . A Morality Story

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

Everybody loves trees! Why would they not?!

The Tree of Life has been highly honored for its
sacredness throughout the centuries.

Trees have been known to bring healing and comfort
to all peoples. . . not to just a chosen few.

Yet, though there are many different types of trees,
there are also trees that can be considered not
necessarily good trees.

I speak here of a very ancient tree that has existed since
almost the beginning of life on this Earth planet.

The roots of this tree go very deep. . . and its trunk is
extremely strong!

It is deceptively beautiful, with boughs that can and do
branch out over the entire world. . . and with a power that
is unquestioned by those who are entranced by its beauty.

Where most trees are what could be called ‘trees of both
good and evil’ because of the polarity aspect of the planet,
this is a tree of pure evil!

If indeed the eating of the apple from the ‘tree of knowledge’
by Adam and Eve in the…



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.