Prompt: Evolution/Involution

Wave Consciousness

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
3 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The droplets, the currents, and the sea.

Quantum awareness is wonderful. It moves us from the processing algorithms of polarized either/or, into possibilities of becoming more.

The Droplet

In the esoteric spiritual traditions, egoic dissolution is paramount. I do not disagree. What happens, especially in the Western world, is that when the ego faces its own demise, it rebels, fights back, and generally becomes a gargantuan nuisance. This need not be. The ego is not the enemy. No more than a droplet is a problem for a wave. Is the purity of water better than the grains of sand it might contain?

Who am I now? What happens next? Queries from the droplet, whose very existence holds the All. Yet, as we identify in smallness, we know not our own immensity. An ego cannot know this, though some try, it seems.

The droplet sees only its own boundaries, sometimes holding onto a particular form for dear life, sometimes cursing the very pulses that give it cohesion, perceiving only limitation. But what of the beauty, the precious pearls of love held within these parameters of being?

Does a raindrop feel lonely? I watched it rain from high upon a cliff above the crashing waves. Drops were not drops…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.