
We Are the Cosmos

Finding and living life

White Feather
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2021


The only place humans can truly find joy is within themselves; in their own hearts. Our hearts are what receive joy from our Source and what express that joy coming through us.

But we have been trained and conditioned to always seek joy outside of ourselves. We have been brainwashed to believe that joy comes from our accomplishments, our friends, our family, our lovers, our societal status, our bank accounts, our egoic legacy, emotional gratification received from others, our place in societal hierarchy, the number of followers we have on social media, how much we beat others in competition, and how much we feel we are being loved by others.

While small bits of joy can be found outside of ourselves, that joy is merely a reflection of the joy being felt within us; being expressed through us.

If we are not feeling true joy then we blame the world outside of us. Why are we not receiving the joy we want?

Joy is not something we passively receive or something to strive for and attain. It is something we actively express as it comes through us from experiencing life. Life is joy. Our every heartbeat is filled with joy if we can feel it and are not looking outside of our heart for it.

