Slowness: prompt

What Day Is It?

Living in The Flow

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2021


Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash — An accurate depiction of my current schedule

I am retired now. I have been for about five months. The running joke with all the retired folks I know is that every day is Saturday. And as such, we have thrown away calendars and other timekeepers. We just let Life flow around us, through us, past us.

And that is pretty much the truth. Although most days I am aware of what the day/date is. But the point is this — I don’t have to be. I have so little scheduled in My Life these days, I sometimes grow concerned I might miss an important appointment (like that second COVID vaccination) simply because I’m not used to paying attention to a schedule anymore.

Life is certainly a lot different from the days when I worked and had to get up at 5 AM and nearly every minute of every hour was planned out. Now there is no real plan — there is a meandering sense of calm that carries me through my day. I look up and it’s 10 AM — the next time I gander at a clock — it’s past 4 in the afternoon. Time for tea and a snack!

This slower pace is similar to taking an extra-long exhale in meditation or yoga. You are suspended in the Now at that point. There exists no past, no future. You are grounded and experiencing the moment.

