What God Do You Follow?

. . . A lesson in Discernment

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

I recently heard from the pulpit and in written appeals to the congregation from a cleric whom I greatly respect, that a certain thing is a gift from God
. . . and that it should be honored and accepted as such.

My inner truth tells me the exact opposite!

As a cleric myself, I believe in guiding people into going within and
discerning their own truth. . . not necessarily following what I tell them
to believe by thrusting my own truth on them.

There have always been many voices attempting to sway us for allegiance
to their belief or cause. Many of them have come from the wrong god, but
we have allowed ourselves to believe what they are telling us because we
have not learned to practice discernment . . .

. . . the ability to think for ourselves by going within to
listen to our own inner guidance from the heart center.

Now, more than ever, discernment is so essential for us to recognize the
difference between the lies and the truth, for they are both rampant in
trying to get our attention for believing, following, and

living the Truth. . . the truth according to
our own inner knowing!

Thank you for reading… and for discerning the truth as you KNOW it according to your own inner knowing.



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.