When Most Needed

. . . Were you there?

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by Ji Pak on Unsplash

At the time of my husband’s preparing to pass to the other side,
I happened to meet - (during a required shopping trip) - a young
Native American woman whom I barely knew.

She made inquiry about the happenings in my life, to which I
naturally replied with an update about my husband’s state of
life and nearing death.

She stated very compassionately that he would be just fine,
but that it was I myself about whom she was concerned

. . . about my being the one left behind, a thought that had
not previously realistically occurred to my conscious mind.

I also had a very dear friend who was constantly by my side
through the entire process. . . aiding me in every way possible.

But after my husband had made his transition, she totally
disappeared for a good length of time. She later expressed
that she had not realized my great need for her at that time.

In a state (New Mexico) that was not my home. . . and not
really knowing anyone there. . . nor surrounded with anything
truly familiar . . .



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.