When pain becomes your friend


Taha Abbas
Queen’s Children
1 min readOct 14, 2020


How ugly it is to realise that you were stripped away from your nudity, the moment you stepped in finiti

The irony of life

You came with nothing, but was your everything

All the ‘wealth’ you acquired, were blankets of lies and deceit, suffocating your soul, underneath

You tremble, you scream, you struggle to breathe

All you wished was to feel complete

How many steps does this mansion contain?

Is it in me, or I in him?

The impulse drives me insane

I look around, and question, “Why can’t I remain the same?”

When fear becomes your home, then pain becomes your friend

Hell becomes your church and heaven, a black hole

Who am I to complain? Even Moses was disturbed, upon his descent from Sinai

