Holding & Healing: prompt

When The Universe Speaks

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
2 min readJan 17, 2021


A fireside chat

Pause. That’s it. Push it now. Drop out of Your Life. You’ll be amazed — they won’t even really miss you. All those Humans whom you thought couldn’t survive without you — will do just that. Survive without you.

What’s that you say? You have deadlines, meetings, vacations, and other such sundry stuff on your agenda/calendar/datebook. {chuckle} Guess again.

You’ll be sitting here until further notice. On your couch. Being grateful for every breath. Every. Single. Breath. You will learn to exist in Your Now because that’s the only piece of Time you can concentrate on,

Breathe in. Breathe out.

See how easy it is? Why do you insist on running full speed All. The. Time? Why do I need to intervene and physically stop you in your tracks for you to recognize what a gift your vessel is? Why don’t you take better care of said vessel?

Oh, you can’t think about any of that just now — can you? Because you have to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling through tired and tight airways. You don’t have the oxygen to spare to leave your house. Bed to couch to kitchen to bathroom to bed again is your entire world in this Now.

