Prompt: ‘My’ Tools

Whose Toolbox is it Anyway?

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
4 min readFeb 1, 2021


Photo by Caterina Berger on Unsplash

I have utilized many sets of practices over the years of this incarnation and others. It is crucial to remember that the tools of one lifetime or decade or moment of transition may or may not serve the alignment of another. Not another as in someone else’s journey, though that is also true. But, the very next moment, the transition upon which we are focused, that is both the NOW and different/other/elsewhere than where we have journeyed in consciousness before. Every moment is NOW and new and requires the application of subtly different energies.

I could report that meditation, mindfulness {focus} and movement, in their ever-changing forms, remain constant tools, though the contents of those toolboxes change… constantly.

There is a parable in the Eastern traditions of using one thorn to remove another that has been stuck in the foot, causing pain and torment upon the path. The KEY to the parable is that one uses a thorn {one part of the ego or patterning} to remove the thorn stuck in the foot {the pattern seeming to be problematic} then, one throws them both away. We tend to hold onto our preferred thorns, or tools, as ways to surmount imagined upcoming obstacles which need not exist. In other words, we become quite attached to our tools, when optimal is better served by letting them go.



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.