This World Is My/Your Creation

When conscience is absent, this world is absent, too.

Anthi Psomiadou
Queen’s Children


Image by Three-shots from Pixabay

The world exists
only when I’m aware of it;
To me, when I’m asleep,
the whole world is almost “non-being”.
What looks like there is
before my eyes,
it’s not in front of me;
within my conscience lies.
For the world to be perceived
my perception has to be there.
The observation’s object
is born with the observer.
If my conscience is absent
not a thing can be here.
Oh, please, don’t tell me
that others see things then!
When I am unconscious,
to me, there are no others.
They also appear in the world
the moment I’m aware of them.
Flicker after flicker,
on and off;
everything exists
only when my conscience opens the door.
This world is not something
stable and objective;
It’s a projection of mine;
totally subjective.
And while I see it like
this, the illusion dies.
Reality and pure objectivity
enlighten my mind.



Anthi Psomiadou
Queen’s Children

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)