My sacred tree: Prompt


The tree of life in Norse mythology

Diana C.
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2021


Image by Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay

Tell me
How deep are your roots?
What grows on your majestic branches?
Do you feed the world with fruits
Do do you let it bathe
In ashes?

Are you the world tree
To which Odin’s horse is bound?
Do you stand tall and free
Burning human ignorance
To the

You are, aren’t you?
The pathway to other worlds and the afterlife
Spiritually gifted with prophecies
The ruler of all dawns and dusks
An inspiration to all

In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is a massive ash tree that holds the Nine Worlds in place. It is believed that Odin pierced himself with a spear and hanged himself from Yggdrasil’s branches for nine days, looking down into the Well of Urd (well of fate). On the last day, his sacrifice was accepted and the well revealed the runes to him — each symbol carrying magic that, when used in the correct way, could be used to cast spells.



Diana C.
Queen’s Children

Editor at KTHT & Hobbies & Stories. Penning, polishing, and provoking thoughts. My online presence is vast, explore it here: